Annabel Karmel
Case Study
Annabel Karmel MBE is founder and chief executive of Annabel Karmel Group Holdings and has been described in the British press as being a prime example of “mumtrepreneurship”.
She is the UK's best-selling author of seventeen books on baby and children's food and nutrition and is an expert at devising tasty and nutritious meals for children without the need for parents to spend hours in the kitchen. The group has sales of £58.5m deriving from the book business, a food service for holiday centres and various food lines and has recently devised a new children's menu for Stena Line's Irish Sea crossings.
The groups Mayfair headquarters are shared with another Palebeck client, Future Capital Partners who recommended Palebeck as a potential supplier when they learnt that Annabel Karmel was looking to install its own telephone system. Future Capital Partners are a long standing client who recently moved to the new Mayfair offices due to a fire destroying their Soho offices.
Richard Stevens from Annabel Karmel visited Palebeck’s London offices near Oxford Circus for a demonstration of the Panasonic KX-NCP Telephone System and was very impressed. The dedicated Panasonic demonstration suite there allows clients to try out first hand all the latest technologies such as DECT handsets, Computer Telephone Integration, call logging, and email integration whilst having product experts on hand to answer any questions they may have.
Shortly after this visit, Palebeck were appointed to supply and fit a Panasonic KX-NCP500 telephone system which allows the connection of ISDN lines, digital handsets and an integrated voice processing system. One of the key reasons for opting for this system was that although they opted to implement the system in its basic form, they may wish to add further technologies at a later stage.
"The Mayfair offices are incredibly stylish and well designed" commented Karin McNeill of Palebeck "so the clean and efficient design of the Panasonic handsets really complements the desired feel. It was a completely straightforward installation and we were able to carry out the installation in one morning leaving the afternoon for training."
The Mayfair offices are flooded with data outlets meaning that both companies can share the same internal cabling network. At Palebecks’ suggestion though, purple patch leads (as opposed to the normal blue) were supplied so both companies could easily identify their extensions on the patch panel.
At the recommendation of Future Capital Partners, they also took out a maintenance agreement with Palebeck. They are now happy in the knowledge that if there are any faults with either the System or the BT lines, they will have one point of contact. Although the Panasonic products are highly reliable, most companies prefer the safety net of knowing they have maintenance cover with a company local to them who hold all maintenance stock on their premises, ensuring business continuity in the event of a System failure. A dedicated DDI number allows Palebeck engineers to log straight into the system for remote programming. This gives us immediate access to determine faults, or to program certain features they may request, such as changing where calls ring, naming extension numbers or allocating DDI numbers to extensions.
“Palebeck’s maximum clearance time from a fault being reported to a fault being cleared is 3-4 working hours with the vast majority of faults being cleared much quicker than this” continued Karin McNeill of Palebeck, “a record of which we are very proud.”
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